Alright….we all know that exercise is good for you but in case you need some reminders, I’ve compiled some of the reasons WHY you need to get up and move. Let’s start with the “biggies”:
1. Prevent or improve: Heart Disease * Stroke * Type II Diabetes * Osteoporosis * Cancer, High Blood Pressure * High Cholesterol
Some other fairly well known reasons:
2. Exercise boosts your energy level
3. Exercise improves your mood (endorphins create the “exercise high”)
4. Exercise helps you manage your weight
5. Exercise improves your body shape
6. Regular exercise and strength training improves your metabolism
7. Exercise improves your posture, coordination and balance
8. Exercise promotes better sleep (zzzzzzzzz)
9. Strength training increases bone density
10. Exercise lowers your resting heart rate (yes, this is a GOOD thing!)
11. Exercise increases your range of motion while easing joint discomfort
But…you might not know that:
12. Exercise can prevent or improve back pain
13. Regular exercise aids in your digestion
14. Exercise helps alleviate menstrual cramps
15. Exercise helps strengthen and maintain your immune system
16. Regular exercise helps with varicose veins
17. Exercise can improve your sex life (yahoo!)
18. Exercise keeps your brain in shape too!
Bottom line and I believe this sums it up quite nicely:
19. Exercise helps your ENTIRE body function more efficiently!
20. Exercise reduces your risk of DYING PREMATURELY!
Now that you are motivated – my next column will help you find an exercise program that works for you and fits into your lifestyle. Yours in fitness, AnneliJ
(386) 589-5665