Pat's Blog » And the Winner Is….

And The Winner Is…

Let Go. Let God.

I’ve been trying to practice that for the past 20 years.  It’s not easy for this Type A personality, Aries woman. But I must admit, I’ve gotten better at it.

My dance with cancer was my PhD in Letting Go. Letting God.  I came face to face with the fact that I really have zero control.  Of course, I thought I did.  We all do.  But the truth is, that it’s out of our hands.  The ONLY thing we can control is how we chose to respond to life’s events.

Last year, three years after my diagnosis, my life went into high gear.  In five months I finished The Cancer Dancer book (in 3 languages), built a brand new Health & Wellness website  (in 3 languages) and co-produced a Discovery documentary on my healing journey.  When it was all said and done, I crashed. 

I took two months off to breathe, relax, reenergize and recuperate.  But all the while, my over active brain kept saying….”So, now that the book is out…how will you get it promoted? How will you get it into the hands of patients who need it? How will you advertise it when you have no funding”.  Blah, blah, blah, blah. 

Through my meditations and conversations with God…with myself, I reminded myself of what I had learned years before: to just TRUST.  To release it to God/The Universe/Spirit…whatever you call IT. 

My “job” had been documenting my journey. DONE.  Now, I release.   

And so, I went about my life….when out of the blue an angel fluttered in.  A friend who used to work at the GRAMMYS and was still doing consulting work with them.  I hadn’t seen him in 10 years.  One conversation lead to another, to another and eventually I just asked….”So what are the chances of The Cancer Dancer getting into the Gift Bags at the GRAMMYs?  My mission is to help as many people as I can with my book.”  I swallowed hard…in disbelief of my “cojones” as we say in Spanish.  🙂

His response was, “Pat, I’ll do everything I can to help you. I believe in your cause.”  Just like most people, he had been touched by cancer…a family member.  Everyone knows someone affected.

A few hours later…it was a done deed.  It was THAT easy.  It was meant to be.  There’s no other explanation.

Let Go. Let God.  Trust that what is destined…will be.  Just get yourself out of the way and listen to those voices inside of your heart, that guide you from a place of pure intent.  Do the work, then release it.

I’m now trusting that my book got into the hands of exactly the right people: those that will help distribute the book to patients for free, who will be able to fund my cause so we can do more at Positively Pat.  Maybe even someone who will turn the book, into a major motion picture: helping the cause grow and spread like wildfire. 

Yes, I believe in working hard to make things happen, and then…letting go.  I remind myself of this every day.

As I watched The 54th Annual GRAMMY Awards®, I was deeply touched by the tribute to Whitney Houston.  Jennifer Hudson was stellar.  Moments of sadness and thoughts of “she left us way too early” passed through my mind.   We can never fully understand when someone is taken this way, yet I do believe, we all have our destiny.  I pray and send her love and light…and wishes for eternal peace.

As I watched the GRAMMYs I also said THANK YOU…every time I saw a Presenter and Performer on that stage, knowing that in their official GRAMMY Gift Bag ….sitting amidst the bling….they got a soulful gift…The Cancer Dancer – Healing: One Step at a Time.”  

Life is good.

Pat's Blog » And the Winner Is….
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