May 17, 2008 – May 17, 2013
Five years ago today I went under the knife for a double mastectomy. God has graced me with more blessings than I can count, through this roller coaster ride. Including new girls 😉
I guess when you go through cancer, you keep these types of anniversaries in your mind. Each one is a milestone and a reminder: to live each day to the fullest (no matter how corny that sounds).
For those who are beginning their own healing journey, or are struggling through other “stuff”: Breathe. Meditate. Pray. Laugh, in the face of it all. Your attitude and your faith will get you to the other side. Don’t let the heaviness….weigh you down.
The Dali Lama says it best “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.”
Whatever it is that you’re growing through at this moment….have faith that it’s all happening for a reason and that blessings will surface from the core of it.
My blessings and gifts were many. I learned that:
- I am loved and wasn’t alone (even though I am single and have no kids or siblings).
- I am strong and courageous.
- I have a deep faith that can get me through anything.
- It’s OK to receive.
- I don’t have to be in charge (the world will keep on spinning).
- Each day, each moment is precious….don’t waste it!
- It’s ridiculous to think that I’m in control….and that brought me (brings me) peace.
All I can control is how I respond to what life throws my way. My choice is always JOY. My choice is always to grow and become a better person. My choice is always to get to the other side…as gracefully as possible.
Yes, I was shell-shocked when I heard the words “You have cancer”. Yes, I saw my mom’s life and death flash before my eyes. Yes, I was scared and sad. Yet….I moved past it quickly and with determination to turn my cancer into a dance and to help others along the way. Which is why I documented every moment. My book, “The Cancer Dancer: Healing One Step at a Time” is available to help anyone going through this journey (including their caregivers). PLEASE use it, recommend it. It can help.
The Cancer Dancer on
Today, I celebrate 5 years from my double mastectomy and I say THANK YOU. To my angels…to my healers….to my friends and family. THANK YOU GOD…… Now I use my experiences to help others…to be of service. And I try to laugh every day….though some days may be harder than others. I still try…..and so…..I dance on.
Blessings and love to all. Remember: JOY is a Choice.
Patricia San Pedro (Positively Pat)